Schedule a ConsultationChoosing Between the ACT and the SAT
When it comes to high school, there are a few guaranteed hot topics every year: getting a driver’s license, whom to take to prom, plans for post-graduation, and the ACT versus the SAT.
Before it’s even time for a student to sign up for the test, they’ve heard about it in the media, in movies, from teachers, parents, siblings, friends, and more. These conflicting and often-exaggerated opinions can make it very tough for a student to choose which test is right for them. We strongly believe that choosing one test can help students focus their energy. Background knowledge about the test can help all involved parties make an informed decision—and more importantly, help a student choose the test that is their best fit.
Both tests assess similar skills, but aspects of each can appeal to different students.
Allotted Time
The ACT test is a fast-paced test that rewards memorization and quick reading skills.
The SAT test provides more time but requires in-depth problem solving analysis, and comprehension.
Total Time
The total testing time for the ACT without the essay is 2 hours and 55 minutes and with the essay is 3 hours and 35 minutes.
The total testing time for the SAT is 2 hours and 14 minutes.
Reading Comprehension
Both the SAT and ACT test reading comprehension. The ACT Reading section favors speed and the ability to skim and locate terms quickly.
The SAT Reading & Writing section allows for a slower reading pace and contains shorter passages, but those passages involve higher-level language and arguments, and some include older literary excerpts and even poetry.
On the SAT Math section, questions tend to come from a smaller pool of concepts but work harder to trick the student and disguise their solutions behind complex equations. The SAT provides students with a reference sheet containing some geometry formulas.
On the ACT Math section, questions get noticeably more difficult than the SAT towards the very end. In addition, a wider variety of topics appear, though the questions tend to be more straightforward. The ACT does not provide any formula sheets.
English and Reading & Writing
Both the ACT and the SAT include questions that ask students to correct grammar and sentence structure within written passages. However, on the ACT, these questions are given their own separate English section.
On the SAT, these questions are mixed into the Reading & Writing section, which also contains reading comprehension questions.
The ACT has a dedicated data analysis section (called the Science section) that requires students to interpret information from graphs and tables. This section is fast-paced and demanding.
The SAT does not have a dedicated Science section, instead scattering graphs and charts throughout the Math and Verbal sections to test data analysis ability.
Testing Format
In the spring of 2024, the digital SAT was unveiled in the United States. The digital exam is adaptive by section, with each of the two sections—math and reading & writing—containing two modules. The adaptive format of the test means that how students perform on one module will determine the difficulty of the next module. The digital test also includes a built-in graphing calculator, as well as tools such as an answer eliminator.
Students taking the ACT have the option to take either a digital or a paper-and-pencil test. The digital exam is linear, not adaptive, and also includes a built-in calculator app and on-screen tools such as an answer eliminator. ACT has also announced that a new, shorter, digital version is in the works and will be rolled out in the spring of 2025.
The Bottom Line
Because the tests are different and it’s not necessary to prepare for both, it is important to find the right fit for each individual student.
With these subtle-but-tangible differences between tests, any student who needs to decide between the tests should only choose after trying a full-length practice ACT test and practice SAT test. In order to fully prepare students for the real test experience, Private Prep offers proctored ACT and SAT practice tests in a simulated test setting. Find a location near you or contact us for more information on the ACT and SAT diagnostic review process and how we can help guide you.