Your On-Campus College To-Do List

Tasks to accomplish in your first few weeks on campus

Arriving on campus for your first semester of college is incredibly exciting! So exciting, in fact, that it’s easy for students to miss opportunities to set themselves up for long-term success. Luckily, our executive functioning coaches have identified clear steps that students can take to position themselves for a great first semester without missing out on any of the fun! Our college to do list will ensure you’re off on the right foot.

Some time invested at the start of the school year and semester will have big payoffs over the course of your college career. Where we recommend routines and structures, know that you can always adjust those over time, but it’s very hard to set a regular sleep or study schedule mid-way through the semester.

Before Classes Start:

Think of your first few days on campus as your own personal orientation (in addition to anything your school organizes).

  • Set boundaries with your roommate
  • Identify at least 5 study spots outside of your dorm room
  • Check campus safety procedures
  • Find a printer and make sure you know how to access it
  • Figure out where your classes are located and how long it takes you to walk there from your dorm. Practice walking to dining halls around mealtimes to get a feel for “rush hour” traffic
  • Attend student activities fairs and information sessions

First Week of Classes:

It can be tempting to get a jump on some of the below before classes start, but resist! You’ll want to be sure that your schedule is fully set and have a feel for your days before getting into the nitty-gritty.

  • Make a plan for study time: Where will you study? When will you do daily homework? When will you work on long-term projects?
  • Establish a daily routine for studying, homework, sleep, and meals
  • Keep class syllabi handy for easy reference: Put key due dates on your calendar including exams & essays, and note your professors’ and TAs’ office hours
  • Buy textbooks
  • Familiarize yourself with your school’s add/drop policies and timeline

This is certainly not an all-inclusive list when it comes to prepping for college, but we hope this will get your graduate off on the right foot. If you need help executing any of this, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Private Prep