For The Love Of Books Resource Program

We’re supporting ACT prep work through partnerships with Title 1 schools to further the test prep work that is being done at these schools.

To support students studying for the ACT, we’re offering Title 1 schools the option to purchase 25 or more Private Prep ACT study guides at cost. The bestselling For the Love of series was created to mimic the real tests and speak directly to students. Whether used as part of an ACT study course or by students independently, our books are made with students in mind, guiding them through the learning process independently and setting them up for success.

  • *Coming Soon* FTLO ACT English
  • FTLO ACT Math
  • FTLO ACT Science
  • FTLO ACT Reading

In addition, we support subject test support for the SAT Chemistry Subject Test. 

  • FTLO SAT Chemistry