College Transitions Hub
Everything you need to ensure a smooth transition to college
Schedule a free academic transitions consultationCollege is a blast.
Let's make sure you're ready to enjoy it to the fullest.
Start building the skills you need to make great grades and greater memories.
Download the Complete College Transitions ChecklistIf you’re a college-bound senior, we know it can be overwhelming to think about all the changes and challenges that come with this exciting new chapter of your life. Even if you feel utterly prepared for the tougher course content that comes along with a college workload, are you also prepared for independence? Do you know how to do laundry without wrecking your clothes? Can you manage your money? Can you make two reasonably healthy meals on your own?
Don’t panic: the College Transitions Hub is here to help you ensure a smooth and easy transition to college. We’ll give you the tools you need to navigate the ins and outs of college life while keeping yourself healthy and happy.
Build College Readiness With These Free Resources
Breaking Down the Motivation Equation
Procrastination can be a major hurdle to college success. Now's the time to crack the code to motivation.
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Study Skills 101
Many students make it all the way through high school without ever explicitly learning how to study. Here's how to build your study skills for college.
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How to Use a Planner
Practical resources to help you create a planning system, plus a list of our favorite planners.
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Make a Personal Time Budget
College students need to know how to create a daily schedule that encourages productivity while avoiding burn-out. This exercise can get you started.
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Tips and Tricks for Setting Goals That Stick
In order to balance the many spinning plates of college, you'll need to do more than simply making a plan — you'll have to execute it too.
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PART I: General Life Skills
Get a jump on adulting.
Transitioning to college life is a big change for most high schoolers. Not only are students managing the demands of academics, many are likely experiencing freedom for the first time. While this can be invigorating, it can also be overwhelming. Luckily, there are skills you can learn at home that can help you adjust to your new environment and responsibilities. After all, the less time you have to spend figuring out how laundry works, the more time you can spend studying, making new friends, and enjoying the full university experience.
Living With Others
It’s no secret that most college students will live with a roommate, at least for the first few years. Knowing how to share a space peacefully and respectfully will help avoid environmental conflicts.

Managing Money
From after-school and summer jobs to paid internships, college is a great time to practice the important skill of managing money. Getting a handle on things like credit card debt, savings, and responsible spending early will save you big headaches down the road.

Staying Healthy
Healthy adult living starts in the dorm room. Knowing the basics about making satisfying and nutritious meals (not to mention how to boil water) will give you an advantage in college and beyond.

Navigating Adulthood
These skills may seem unrelated or even obvious, but they’re each important elements of what makes a responsible adult.

PART II: After Committing
So you know where you're going to school. Hooray! Now what?
Generally, once you choose a school and pay your deposit, there are only a few months before classes start, so it’s a good time to start some concrete planning. In addition to the actions we've outlined here, there are bound to be some school-specific tasks to help you plan for your individual campus and goals.
School Administration
Take these proactive steps to be sure that all of your paperwork is in order and to avoid complications later in your college career. You don’t want to end up dealing with an administrative emergency as you kick off your first semester of classes.

If you don’t already use a calendar, now’s the time to start. There are some appointments you’ll need make at home before you head to campus, as well as a number of dates from your school to keep track of over the summer.

Academic Success
Even before classes start, you will take your first steps towards achieving your academic goals. Selecting the right courses and accessing supports are key to your success.

Gathering everything you need for your dorm is one of the most exciting and stressful aspects of preparing to leave for college. Our overarching advice: pack lightly! You can always buy additional or forgotten items after you settle in.

PART III: On Campus
Settling into your new life
A little bit of time invested at the start of your first semester will have big payoffs over the course of your college career. Know that you can always adjust the recommended routines and structures over time, but it’s very hard to set a regular sleep or study schedule mid-way through the semester.
Before Classes Start
Think of your first few days on campus as your own personal orientation (in addition to anything your school organizes!)

First Week of Classes
It can be tempting to get a jump on some of the below before classes start, but resist! Give yourself time to settle in before getting into the nitty-gritty.

Need help? Have Questions?
If you need more personalized support or guidance in executing your college transition, our executive functioning team is here to help.